11 Reasons Why Testosterone Levels in Men Decreasing Must Know
The level of testosterone keeps on declining after age of 20 steadily. This does not mean that it can reach zero at any stage of life but very low level of this hormone comes with consequences and side effects. Generally men after 50 begin to see clear signs of low T hormone level which are also referred as signs of ageing.
But in many cases men at early age than 50 face seriously low T hormone secretion. Low T hormone at early age can be source of frustrations along with other problems. Here are 11 reasons why testosterone levels in men decreasing in young males commonly these days.
Physical inactivity is one of the major factors what causes testosterone levels to drop in men at early age. The modern working style which restricts young males to desk, changed working timings, use of electronic gadgets etc. have made physical inactivity alarmingly serious problems for generally health.
But in many cases men at early age than 50 face seriously low T hormone secretion. Low T hormone at early age can be source of frustrations along with other problems. Here are 11 reasons why testosterone levels in men decreasing in young males commonly these days.
Physical inactivity is one of the major factors what causes testosterone levels to drop in men at early age. The modern working style which restricts young males to desk, changed working timings, use of electronic gadgets etc. have made physical inactivity alarmingly serious problems for generally health.

Most of the males at young age suffer with stress. Some may find a way to deal with it but many keep suffering with it. Stress is one of the major 11 reasons why testosterone levels in men decreasing at early age.
Today men are obsessed with slim and lean body. Males performing too much cardio exercises suffer with low T hormone. Heavy weight exercises are more suitable for maintaining T hormone level in place of cardio as per experts. Intake of protein supplements is another reason what cause testosterone levels to drop in young males.
Too much consumption of processed food is commonly found reason for low testosterone. Processed food items are made up of flour that has lost its nutrition during processing. Such foods supplement dead calories which weigh digestive system to slow it down and get deposited as fat in body. Higher fat in body causes T hormone level to drop quickly.
Tea, coffee and beverages are commonly used drinks during the day. Many young men drink too much coffee or beverages treating these as harmless if not good for health but actually these are one of the major factors and 11 reasons why testosterone levels in men decreasing at early age. Too much caffeine and aspartame found in beverages, cola and soda drinks lowers level of T hormone in male body.
Alcohol and particular beer on regular basis or in high quantity even occasionally can cause low testosterone in males. Alcohol comes with calories and also affects liver function which processes hormones. Beer contain high amount of fat and can drop level of T hormone instantly after consumption. These are major reasons of low T hormone level.
Commonly used medicines have been found as guilty and testosterone level dropping causes in men of all ages. Medicines prescribed to control BP, treatment of depression, beta blockers etc. are well-known for causing low T hormone level in men. If young man using any of these medicine he needs proper care to maintain his hormonal balance.
Too much soy products for protein supplementation particularly fortified soy products can drop level of T hormone in men. Soy products contain phytoestrogen that mimic estrogen hormone. Higher level of estrogen in male body nullifies testosterone and creates its scarcity.

Some types of veggies too are guilty of causing low T hormone in men. Cruciferous vegetables too frequently can drop level of T hormone. These veggies alter hormonal balance during digestion and their regular intake can suppress proper release of testosterone even in young males.
Absence of thrill and excitement in life can cause low testosterone in young men. Monotonous daily schedule even if healthy can slow down T hormone production in body. Bit of thrill, excitement and competition while playing maintain hormonal balance healthy in young males.
Health problems like diabetes, hypogonadism, thyroid etc. are other testosterone level dropping causes. These health issues can lower T hormone in male at any age.
If you are one of the young male who is facing low testosterone effects and wants to get rid of this condition once and for all take care of abovementioned factors and use Musli Kaunch Shakti capsules. These herbal pills come with herbs that possess natural properties to increase testosterone release in body and keep it protected from damages.
Kaunch Beej herb present in these pills is prolific herbal supplement for increasing T hormone release, better vitality and strong nervous system. This herb cures digestive problems, improves liver and kidney functions, increase muscle mass and is powerful anti-ageing herb. Kaunch beej improves male fertility by improving pituitary-testicle axis.
Musli herbs are famous in Ayurveda for their energizing, aphrodisiac, anti-ageing and rejuvenating effects. These also cure variety of disorders that affect male health and virility and improve T hormone level in men.
Use of these pills not only resolves problem of low T hormone but reverse low testosterone effects like low libido, poor potency, low semen volume, poor muscle mass, growing fat etc. efficiently. These are safe and harmless pills can be used without any medical prescription.
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