Best Natural Remedies for Premature Ejaculation to Cure at Home
Premature ejaculation or early discharge is one of the most common disorders that men under age of 40 face. Males are aggressive by nature in their romantic demeanor. This aggression compliments woman’s submissive attitude and make lovemaking fulfilling. But too much charge in mind many times spoils the contact sport rather than making it savory.
Males are unable to control their excitement and spill the beans much too early than expected. The impact of this problem over male’s mind is very severe. It has been noted that males after realizing this problem start avoiding sex which makes their relationship meaningless.
Males are unable to control their excitement and spill the beans much too early than expected. The impact of this problem over male’s mind is very severe. It has been noted that males after realizing this problem start avoiding sex which makes their relationship meaningless.

We here suggest the best natural remedies for premature ejaculation which any male can try to gain perfect control over his discharge. These allow male to make love in bed as long as he wishes to and provide his partner maximum pleasure. Let us begin with exercises and techniques most suitable for premature ejaculation cure.
- Learn to distract your mind. This is very useful when you feel like ejaculating during the act. Distraction for a second or two can stall the excitement building up and allow you to delay your climax.
- Start and pause technique is quite similar with only difference it is physical rather than mental. You can pause for few moments just when your climaxes starts building-up, even you can pull out if your climax progresses rapidly, start again and like this you can prolong your act.
- Perform kegel exercises. These exercises are done by squeezing and relaxing kegel muscles. These muscles block the way of seminal fluids released from prostate and delay climax. By squeezing kegel muscles just at right time you can prevent discharge to prolong duration in bed. These exercises are one of the best natural remedies for premature ejaculation.
- Eat balanced diet that provides optimum dosage of iron, zinc, fiber, vitamins, protein and selenium. Include garlic and carrots in regular diet.

- Take deep breath during lovemaking. Deep breathing keeps nerves relaxed and takes out over-excitement. Deep breathing helps in controlling rush of blood which brings early discharge by causing uncontrollable excitement.
- Try different positions to gain control. Cow girl position, reverse cow girl position over bed or chair, are good positions in which male feels more control over his climax. These positions increase excitement and satisfaction level and gradually bring back male’s control over his excitement and discharge.
- Green onion seeds are home remedies for premature ejaculation. Grind some green onion seeds and mix them well with water. Eat this mixture 2-3 times in the day regularly to cure problem of early discharge naturally.
- Carrots, eggs and honey in combination are trusted home remedies for premature ejaculation. Take 1-2 carrots chopped and mix these with half-boiled eggs, add a tablespoon of honey and eat this mixture regularly. It provides nutrition that controls problem of early discharge naturally.
- Ladyfinger is used as premature ejaculation cure since old times. Use this veggie in meals as many times in a week as possible, you can also prepare a soup of ladyfinger and consume at least once in a day for quick relief from early discharge problem.
Along with these best natural remedies for premature ejaculation you need to take certain precautions for faster results. Following is a list of precautions and prohibitions which you need to follow to recover from PE quickly and for long term.
- Quit masturbation if you are practicing it.
- Limit alcohol and quit or minimize smoking.
- Avoid use of sedatives unless very necessary.
- Stay away from all sorts of stimulations during the day.

Herbs are natural remedies for treating all sorts of health problems. These are actually best natural remedies for premature ejaculation too. Herbs like Ashwagandha, Shilajit, Safed Musli and many more have been identified in Ayurveda as perfect cure for sexual dysfunctions and debilities in male of any age.
To gain benefits of multiple herbs in most convenient manner use Lawax capsules and oil in combination. These herbal supplements resolve problem of PE and provide a male ability to delay his discharge in bed as long as he wishes to.
These pills strengthen nerves and improve prostate gland functions these also elevate level of testosterone and boost-up male’s energy and stamina. The anti-ageing, purgatory and anti-inflammatory properties of these pills reverse ill-effects of ageing, bad habits, unhealthy lifestyle and health issues and provide a male optimum potency and vigor.
Lawax oil works from day one and its benefits keep on improving with every application. It provides control over discharge, promotes strong erections and boost-up male’s libido. This oil on regular use even increases size of erection and take a male’s confidence much higher. In combination Lawax capsules and oil are complete natural remedies for holistic PE treatment. These are safe and completely harmless due to herbal nature.
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