Premature Ejaculation Natural Treatments Through Herbs Remedies

Many males are unable to delay their climax even by a minute. Males not able to last in bed for more than 2 minutes are suffering with problem of early discharge and shall choose premature ejaculation natural treatments for quick cure. It has been found that most of the males are unaware about the fact that they are finishing the act far too early than expected.

Just because their partner does not complain they assume their duration in bed as satisfactory. Ability to control discharge is very basic requirement expected from male to make satisfactory love each time. Males who are able to control their discharge are regarded as better lovers capable of giving maximum pleasure to their partner.


There are signs which can indicate a male about his duration. Let us see what these signs are.

- Inability to control discharge once it begins to occur.

- Over excitement.

- Shorter duration of foreplay.

- Delay in gaining stiffness in manhood.

- Lesser sensation in genital region during normal state.


These signs indicate that male’s sexual health is not optimum and his reproductive system is not energized enough for a pleasurable romantic encounter. If you are facing any of these signs do not lose heart as premature ejaculation natural treatments can resolve the problem completely.

There are few renowned herbs described in Ayurveda which are extremely beneficial for treating problem of early discharge in males. These herbs for premature ejaculation treatment are very safe and highly effective.

Certain types of foods also work as premature ejaculation remedies when consumed regularly. Here is a short list of herbs and foods that one can use as premature ejaculation natural treatments.


- Ashwagandha herb is trusted for sharper memory and mental alertness. It is also potent aphrodisiac, balances hormonal secretion and nutritive. Use of this herb in regular basis helps male to gain control over his discharge and prolong his act in bed.

- Safed musli due to its astonishing properties that improve male’s libido, potency and vitality is recommended to males struggling with PE. Regular use of this herb improves all-round health of a male and also his stamina and endurance in bed.

- Asparagus is used as veggie but it has medicinal properties to cure problem of PE and poor potency in males. This herb improves flow of blood in male genital region and strengthens nerves and muscles. It is one of the commonly used herbs for premature ejaculation treatment.

Along with these herbs even foods work as powerful premature ejaculation remedies. Here is list of foods that can be used for good effects by males suffering with problem of early discharge.

- Ginger with honey is one of the effective remedies for treating problem of PE. Eat raw ginger after adding some honey 2-3 times in a day.

- Eat more raw garlic with meals to gain healthy flow of blood. This spice is also regarded as aphrodisiac and invigorates male’s virility.

- Ladyfinger is recommended to males as treatment for PE. This veggie in soup form is most beneficial for improving male’s duration and performance in bed.

- Pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and eggs are also good foods to improve energy and strength of male’s genital organs and nerves. These foods come with nutrients that support healthy male reproductive system.

You can also try few techniques which are known for giving a male better control over his excitement and delay his discharge.

- Start and pause techniques is practiced by many males to prolong their act. In this all you need to do is to pause when you start feeling beginning of climax. This pause will help you to regain control and delay your discharge.

- Try positions that keep you comfortable. Woman on top is most commonly used position by males to prolong their act and bring woman to pleasing climax earlier.


- Focus during foreplay how to intensify excitement of your woman. Perform activities that turn a woman on quickly and intensely and heighten her excitement.

- Distract your mind for a second or two during the act. Mental distraction halts flow of excitement for a moment which improves male’s duration in bed.

Along with these tips you can use Lawax capsules and oil as most reliable premature ejaculation treatments. Lawax capsules handle root causes of the problem from inside. These pills provide strong nerves that allow a male to gain intense arousals and faster erections and make love as long as he wishes to.

Aphrodisiac and nutritive herbs present in these pills improve physical energy and stamina and also energy level of entire male reproductive system. These pills also possess powerful anti-ageing, anti-inflammatory and purgatory properties to improve overall vitality and virility of a male.

Lawax oil works within minutes and give you better control from day one. This oil improves qualityof erections and also your control over discharge. On regular use this oil improves strength of manhood and your endurance to make intense love for longer duration

This oil also increases size of erections by generating tissues of male genital organ. Regular use of these supplements provide safe and long-lasting natural cure for PE and various other problems related to male’s virility.
