How to Prevent Premature Ejaculation - 7 Tips and Techniques
The problem of PE can be regular or chronic depending upon causes. The techniques to prevent premature ejaculation are handy for both type of patients and help in saving them from embarrassment. Even healthy males at times become helpless in bed and lose control over their discharge.
Techniques how to prevent premature ejaculation are very suitable for such situations and particularly for first lovemaking with your girlfriend when you want to leave a lasting impression.
Techniques how to prevent premature ejaculation are very suitable for such situations and particularly for first lovemaking with your girlfriend when you want to leave a lasting impression.

- Start and pause technique needs no introduction. Most of the males are aware about this technique, if you are not here is how to use it. As and when you feel like that your system is preparing to explode take a pause. This pause shall be precise, neither too long nor too short, you can stop pumping your woman or even pull out and penetrate again. This little pause will relieve building excitement and let you prolong your act. Do not hesitate to tell her, if she asks, that you were about to cum. She would feel happy after knowing that you got too excited with her and will also feel good after knowing how considerate you are for her satisfaction.
- Squeezing technique is also one of the popularly employed techniques to prevent premature ejaculation. You need to practice a bit before you can actually master this technique. Practice how to use your PE muscles at right time. When you gain control over your PE muscles you can use these to squeeze down your canal which pass seminal fluids from prostate to urethra blocking their flow. This blockage will delay your discharge and you perform for longer duration.
- Certain types of sex positions also work as effective ways how to prevent premature ejaculation. Positions that spare you from making movement after penetration and transfer this task to woman give you better control over your discharge. Cow girl, reverse cow girl, striding over chair or bed etc. are good positions to gain control and delay discharge.
- Train your mind to focus away as and when you want. If you take away your focus for a second or two these moments will give you another few minutes inside her. This is one of the difficult premature ejaculation prevention tips as distracting mind at the right time can be difficult for many. But if one master this technique can prolong duration in bed naturally and even overcome physical causes of the problem.
- Talk. Yes, it is one of the good ways how to prevent premature ejaculation. Talk about something which is not too arousing but do not sound naïve either by saying something too trivial like how was your day? Start a short conversation by admiring her perfume, cologne, bra or touch of her skin etc. Be honest and focus on her answer. Little short conversations during the act are premature ejaculation prevention tips for you to maintain control and delay discharge.
- Focus on arousing her more, perform longer foreplay and explore the triggers that turn her into fireball. Quality foreplay brings man and woman at same platform increasing chances of woman to reach finishing line earlier than man. And more importantly it gives man something else to focus which helps in keeping his excitement within limits.
- Breathe deep during the act. Do not put too much strain over your lymphatic system but avoid short and shallow breathing which is bound to occur as your excitement builds-up. Once you are inside her take few deep breaths, and repeat whenever you feel like that your cannon is loading-up to explode. Deep breathing promotes relaxation and will help you regain control over your discharge.

These tips and techniques are natural and useful. These even after regular practice do not harm in any manner. These tips also help your mind to endure excitement and gradually improve your ability to make love for longer duration.
For better and faster treatment use of Lawax capsules and oil is most effective way how to prevent premature ejaculation even if you have physical or psychological issues. Lawax capsules provide numerous health benefits that improve male’s endurance in bed.
These pills improve testosterone level, rejuvenate sluggish reproductive system, strengthen nerves and boost-up energy and stamina of a male. These pills also improve brain functions and suppress psychological problems. The positive effects of these pills improve male’s vitality, virility and vigor in short time and cure problems like PE.
Use of oil brings positive changes from day one. This oil right from first application starts improving male’s endurance and gradually with use of pills make a male capable of prolonging his act as long as he wants to. This oil also increases hardness and size of erections and make a man much better lover. These supplements are harmless and very beneficial for higher fertility. Due to herbal nature these can be used by male of any age.
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