Top 10 Foods to Stop Premature Ejaculation Problem at Home Fast

Nature has provided ample remedies to cure disorders as serious as premature ejaculation. Experts say that food is best medicine as it not only resolves health problem but solve these problems by making body more capable. So the treatment last long and person gains numerous other benefits along with solution of the problem.

Here is list of foods to stop premature ejaculation problem. These foods when used as described provide body with nutrients that it needs to maintain male’s stamina and endurance in bed higher. By including these foods in regular diet one can gain premature ejaculation treatment at home.


Asparagus is one of the favorite of nutritionists and herbalists for premature ejaculation treatment at home. The roots of this veggie can be boiled with milk, drink the milk regularly to gain dose of vitamin A that regulates testosterone and vitamin C which is powerful antioxidant.

Carrots are good for eyes, everyone knows that, but these are foods that prevent premature ejaculation too, you didn’t know that. Boil 1-2 carrots, slice these and add to a half-boiled egg, sprinkle a tablespoon of honey and eat. Do this regularly ad see the difference in your stamina and duration.

Watermelon possesses citrulline which improves libido and L-arginine well-known for curing PE. Sprinkle some ginger and black salt to further enhance its nutritional level and consume. Regular intake of this is wonderful for higher stamina and endurance in bed.

Green onion seeds are very useful for treating problem of early discharge in males. Crush seeds first and add to sufficient amount of water. Drink this mixture three times before meals. These are reliable foods that prevent premature ejaculation.


Avocado is source of healthy fats, vitamins and minerals. It is one of the most popular foods for premature ejaculation treatment at home. Add this fruit to salad platter, smoothies or eat raw on regular basis and forget the rest.

Bromelaine enzyme abundantly present in bananas makes these foods to stop premature ejaculation problem. Not only it improves digestion and treats constipation but also improves libido and flow of blood in groin region. Eat bananas regularly to improve vitality and stamina.

Ginger juice and honey in combination work as excellent PE remedies. Extract some juice of ginger and add similar quantity of honey to it. Make a tablespoon of mixture and consume. Repeat twice during the day and in few days there will be noticeable difference in your libido and endurance.

Cloves are testosterone boosters. This spice is also wonderful in improving digestive system and curing problems like loss of appetite, gas and acidity. Use of cloves as spice or drinking warm water after boiling few pieces of crushed cloves is great for improving endurance in bed.

Garlic is commonly used as spice for flavor and aroma but its consumption in raw form as first thing in the morning is highly beneficial for curing PE. Just 1-2 cloves of garlic chewed and swallowed in the morning work as tonic for elongating duration of male in bed.

Spinach due to high folate, iron and zinc content is one of the easily available foods to stop premature ejaculation problems. Include spinach few times in a week in regular meals to maintain body’s energy and flow of blood in genital region.

For most effective and holistic treatment for any health problem herbs are regarded as best. Even modern science now accepts the power of herbs as treatment. For premature ejaculation too there are many herbs which are most capable and safe treatments.

We here recommend Lawax capsules and oil to recover from problem of PE fast and gain sound vitality, virility and potency and higher vigor. These supplements are suitable for male of any age and resolve the problem without causing any side effects.

Lawax capsules come with perfect combination of herbs that enhance nerve functions, testosterone secretion and male’s vitality. These pills provide a male ability to control his discharge as long as he wants to.

Males gain higher potency and better fertility and higher stamina to lead a passionate love-life. These pills cure problems like fatigue, counter stress and psychological problems and are strong anti-ageing.

Lawax oil is recommended along with capsules for faster results. This oil on first application stimulates nerve functions and male feels better control over his discharge. This oil on regular use strengthens male organ and make it capable of gaining much bigger size on arousal.

Healthy nerve functions and higher blood flow promoted by this oil increases male’s duration in bed and give him complete riddance from PE problem. Males by using these supplements become much capable lover and lead a healthier life. There are no side effects of Lawax capsules and oil. Males with sensitive skin or taking medicines for any other health problem can also use these without any worries.
