How to Stop Premature Ejaculation Using These Techniques

If you think that only treatments can help you out of premature ejaculation problem you are wrong. There are few tried and tested techniques how to stop premature ejaculation that may not be able to address root causes of the problem but can certainly save from embarrassment and help you regain your confidence.

These techniques are very handy even for healthy males for performing on those odd days when one feels too excited and fear might spill the beans. Here we are going to explain few techniques to stop premature ejaculation that work for every male whether suffering with regular problem of PE or facing the problem due to temporary reasons.


- Learn to control PE muscles. Control over PE muscles is useful way how to stop premature ejaculation. These muscles are located in the area between scortum and anus and when squeezed block the passage through which seminal fluids travel from prostate to urethra. Mostly males are unaware of these muscles and cannot control these. To learn how to control these muscles stop urine stream in the middle. The muscles which you squeeze to do so are PE muscles. Now practice squeezing and releasing these muscles whenever you are standing idle. When you gain control over these muscle you can squeeze these just at the time when you feel like discharging during lovemaking. By blocking the flow of seminal fluids these muscles prevent discharge and prolong your duration in bed.

- You can also try start and pause technique to stop premature ejaculation. As the name suggests it is about giving a pause when you feel like peaking and discharging very soon. This pause should be momentary neither too long nor too short. If it is too long it may soften-up your tool and spoil entire fun. But if it is too short it may not provide desired effects. So work-out the exact duration for which you pause and this momentary stoppage will prolong your duration in bed by delaying discharge.

- Learn to distract your mind. If you can master it is one of the best techniques to stop premature ejaculation that even dodges your partner as she cannot notice any effort from your side. Meditation can help in mastering this technique as it provides ability to control and direct your thoughts in the direction you want. Meditation also helps in suppressing the feeling which brain senses via nerves. In fact meditation is one of the techniques which also help in recovering from frequent episodes of PE and inclinations towards erotic material and conversations. By distracting your mind during the act you relieve your excitement considerably and prolong your duration in bed.

- Get some wisdom about woman’s body. This is perhaps best technique to control your excitement and delay discharge. From quality books about sex education you can gather how to make a woman mad for penetration during foreplay. If you start working over your woman’s body your mind keeps your excitement within manageable limits and you enjoy seeing your woman reaching peak of hers. This firstly helps you in satisfying your woman every time you get intimate with her and also increases your duration.

- Change sex positions and try the ones which allow you to maintain your excitement within your tolerance limits. Cow girl and reverse cow girl positions are most popular. Many males feel more control taking woman face to face in their lap over bed or chair. These positions let woman take control and you not needed to make any movement can prolong the act easily.


All these techniques are tried ways how to stop premature ejaculation. Uncountable sensible males practice these to make gratifying love each time. However in some cases these may not be of much help if physical or psychological causes of PE are too strong. To handle most severe causes of PE you can take support of herbs. These are most reliable and infallible remedies to cure PE.

Lawax capsules and oil are most reliable and effective herbal supplements that provide faster way how to treat premature ejaculation holistically and for long term. These supplements come with bunch of herbs that reenergize reproductive system, male body and refresh male’s mind to cure the problem.

These improve nerve functions, prostate gland health and even improve testicular functions to boost-up overall virility of a male. The benefits of Lawax capsules are varied and cover entire range of causes of PE.

Lawax oil is recommended for faster results so that male can enjoy his love-life from day one. However for long term benefits you need to use this oil regularly with pills. In combination these supplements cure PE and other disorders as well like ED, poor quality and lesser quantity of semen, low stamina and poor energy level. These resolve PE for long term and make you capable lover in bed. These are harmless and safe and can be used without any medical prescription.
