How to Cure Premature Ejaculation with Home Remedies and Tips?

The home remedies and natural measures are highly effective in curing problem of PE no matter how serious it may appear to be. Males suffering with too serious symptoms of PE discharge in their underpants even during the day if they get excited or aroused due to any reason. Such males are completely useless in bed and generally avoid lovemaking by making silly excuses.

Problem of PE can give a male depressed and lonely life if not handled properly. Even if a male fails to satisfy his woman in bed frequently becomes reluctant lover and has shattered confidence. This problem is severe for any self-respecting male. Here you can come across most reliable way how to cure premature ejaculation.


Let us begin with dietary and lifestyle changes that are best premature ejaculation tips. By following these tips males can recover from symptoms of PE quickly and continue enjoying their love-life.


- Include ladyfinger in regular diet. The nutrition provided by this veggie is very beneficial for curing problem of early discharge in males.

- Peeled and crushed ginger with honey is one of the home remedies for premature ejaculation. Eat ginger and honey 2-3 times in the day regularly to gain stamina and endurance to last long in bed.

- Small pieces of carrots, mixed with a half-boiled egg and a tablespoon of honey is another one of the trusted home remedies for premature ejaculation. Regular intake of this mixture give a boost-up to male’s potency and endurance.

- Saffron and milk cure almost every dysfunction of male reproductive system. Saffron is nutritive, aphrodisiac and nerve tonic and milk is nourishing and energizing. Mix of these at night regularly is instant energy enhancer.

- Few techniques work as remedies how to cure premature ejaculation. Males have found start and pause technique as very effective in delaying their climax and making highly satisfactory love. In this technique male needs to pause for couple of seconds moment he feels like discharging. The pause folds building excitement and allows male to prolong his act.

- Control over PE muscles also helps immensely in delaying climax in bed. PE muscles are the ones which are squeezed when male needs to stop flow of urine stream instantly. These muscles can be strengthened by regular squeezing and releasing during the day. When male feels beginning of climax he can squeeze these muscles to obstruct flow of seminal fluids from prostate gland and delay his discharge.

- Certain sex positions are very useful for controlling discharge. These positions provide woman optimum sensation and movement of male organ in intimate passage, and also allow male to control his excitement better. These positions give pleasure and satisfaction and gradually improve male’s confidence and control.

These tips are easy to use ways how to cure premature ejaculation. Along with these tips few lifestyle related changes bring even faster results. Here is list of few changes that male should make in his daily routine to recover fast from poor stamina in bed.


- Counter stress by taking proper sleep and rest.

- Exercise and remain physically active during the day.

- Avoid porn moves, magazines etc. and even jokes and conversation to prevent unnecessary arousals during the day.

- Limit alcohol, quit smoking and avoid too much tea, coffee and beverages.

- Make your bedroom a comfortable place.

Although these are best premature ejaculation tips that work for many males as effective remedies yet some males may have serious causes of PE. For males not gaining desirable results by following these tips alone use of Lawax capsules and oil works as reliable and infallible way how to cure premature ejaculation.

Lawax capsules are herbal preparations designed with perfect combination of aphrodisiac, nerve tonic, anti-ageing and purgatory herbs in right dosage and combination. Regular use of these pills invigorates male’s physical health and rejuvenates reproductive system. These pills keep nerves energized and active which provide a male control over his discharge.

Males also gain higher libido and better potency and balanced mind to enjoy their love-life to the fullest. These pills reverse ill-effects of ageing, bad habits and sexual malpractices and also protect male’s virility from ill-effects of health problems. By using these pills males lead healthier life till later age.

Lawax oil is for instant results. This oil improves male’s endurance from day one and results keep improving with every application. This oil due to its powerful anti-inflammatory properties allows smooth flow of blood and also stimulates nerve functions. Regular use of this oil generates tissues of male genital organ and makes it stronger and even bigger.

Use of Lawax oil and capsules gives a male optimum potency and much higher endurance to make highly passionate love each time. These are safe and completely harmless supplements that are suitable for male of any age.
