How to Treat Premature Ejaculation and Increase Duration in Bed Fast?

The duration of male in bed depends how well his reproductive system is performing and over strength and energy level of his nerves. Reproductive system and nerves rely on physical and mental health of a male for support. The treatment of premature ejaculation shall possess properties that address all these factors to stop episodes of early discharge.

Proper method which involves dietary and lifestyle changes and use of herbs is how to treat premature ejaculation problem holistically and resolve it for long term. Here we will discuss few essential steps that one needs to take for fast premature ejaculation treatment.


Dietary changes are recommended to increase sex duration in bed fast because male body needs regular supplementation of some vitamins and minerals necessarily. Along with supplementation there are few anti-nutrients which are needed to be avoided to make diet most suitable to provide recovery from problem of PE.

- Include gluten-free wholegrain to form core of your diet. These are rich in fiber and minerals and keep metabolism faster. Inclusion of green veggies is also recommended for higher mineral supplementation which keeps reproductive system active and energized.

- Fruits are sources of antioxidants and metabolize minerals to allow smooth absorption. Consume fruits that are classified as aphrodisiac as these also elevate level of testosterone hormone. Pomegranate, bananas, watermelon, coconut, avocado, pineapple and berries particularly strawberries and goji berries are very useful foods for fast premature ejaculation treatment.

- Pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, almonds, garlic, ginger, honey and saffron are spices and seeds that shall be used in regular diet to gain proper hormonal secretion, nerve relaxation and energy.

- Stay physically active during the day. Regular exercising session is good to shed excess weight and improve blood circulation. If regular exercises cannot be done staying on foot during day as much as possible also works as good way for weight control and even blood flow all over body.

- Avoid too much tea, coffee and beverages. Also avoid high sugary and sodium foods and prohibit all sorts of processed foods.

- Eat and sleep at proper timings and consume light dinner at least 2 hours before bedtime.

- Stay away from all sorts of erotic stimulations during the day. Males do get excited temporarily few times during the day. Erotic interactions increase intensity of these arousals and make nerves over-active. These arousals also irritate prostate gland and cause excessive precum or early discharge. Keeping such thoughts, conversation and material away help sin controlling discharge during lovemaking.


All these steps are very useful to improve male’s endurance and increase sex duration in bed fast. Use of herbs along with these steps is most dependable way how to treat premature ejaculation. Herbs are natural remedies that improve natural functions of bodily organs and systems to eradicate disorders.

In case of PE too the herbs correct and invigorate male body’s natural mechanism to eliminate problem of early discharge. Herbs along with PE also resolve problems like low libido, erectile dysfunction, poor quality of semen and low semen volume. These are safe ways how to treat premature ejaculation too.

Herbs like Ashwagandha, Safed Musli, Akarkara, Vidarikand etc. have been used in Ayurveda since ages to treat problem of PE. Even today these have shown best results when comes to treat problems like early discharge in males.

One can use these herbs without any medical prescription as these are purely natural and harmless. Today there is another very convenient way to utilize benefits of all these herbs and others.

Use of Lawax capsules and Lawax oil in combination is more convenient, safe and effective way how to treat premature ejaculation with best herbs. Lawax capsules contain aphrodisiac herbs that increase secretion of testosterone hormone.

This hormone is boon for upbeat vitality and virility of a male. It keeps reproductive system energized and maintains flow of energy towards genital region to keep nerves strong and active. These pills also come with nerve tonic herbs that eliminate ill-effects of smoking, masturbation, sedentary lifestyle, medicines etc. and improve their functions.

Active and strong nerves and energized reproductive system allow male to gain intense arousals, faster and stronger erections, and make love as long as he wishes to. These pills are excellent for improving testicular and prostate gland functions which improve male’s fertility as well.

Use of Lawax oil brings instant results. Within minutes of application male can feel growing sensation and strength in nerves. This oil improves control over discharge right from day one which keeps on becoming better with every application. Use of this oil compounds good effects of pills and even increases size of erections.

Healthy nerve functions promoted by this oil prevent all sorts of involuntary discharge and make a male much capable and confident lover in bed. These supplements are harmless and completely free of side effects which make them very useful remedies for male of any age.
