How to Treat Erectile Dysfunction and Increase Duration in Bed Fast?
The treatment of erectile dysfunction is very much possible and with simple measures. All it takes is acceptance from male to the fact that there is a problem which needs treatment. Most of the times, ED goes untreated because males do not accept its presence or meekly surrender to it, and chose loneliness in place of relationship.

Here one can find simple, convenient but very effective tips how to treat erectile dysfunction and enjoy togetherness of relationship to its limits. These steps along with ED also resolve problem of early discharge which is another very common problem in males.
- Stay physically active. Sedentary lifestyle, obesity, constipation, lesser blood flow in pelvic region and low testosterone level are common causes of ED. By staying physically active one can improve flow of blood in pelvic region and overcome these causes to cure ED.
- Start exercising. No matter if you get time daily or alternate days or few times in a week. Exercise for at least half an hour and lift weight. Perform exercises in short bursts. Do not overstrain but make sure that you use maximum number of muscles. To let muscles recuperate, body releases testosterone hormone which also energizes reproductive system. Strength exercises are good ways to increase sex duration in bed fast as well.
- Get romantic before you start. If you approach your act casually you may not give enough time for your already slow system to gear-up. In many cases it is rush of thoughts in the mind that prevents arousal and eventually erection. Start the act with things that excite and bring you in proper mood to start the real action. This kind of approach also helps your partner and let her take steps which build-up the excitement.

- Avoid foods that kill libido. Libido is male’s readiness to make love. In many cases of ED males are actually suffering with low libido. Male frigidity can have many causes other than low testosterone level. Wrong selection of foods is one of the reasons that cause low libido in males. Hard to digest foods that supplement dead calories like processed food items are major culprits causing low libido and poor potency in males. Avoid processed, deep fried, junk and preserved food items for fast erectile dysfunction treatment.
- Give up bad habits. If you enjoy far too many shots of alcohol with friends start cutting your meeting short. Limit your alcohol to 1-2 shots at the most. Quit smoking and avoid use of sleeping pills. If you are in habit of masturbation it is better to keep it within limits. Avoid arousals without ejaculation during the day caused by erotic material or conversations. These changes will help your reproductive system preserve energy and perform better. With these changes you can increase sex duration in bed fast as well.
- Eat right kind of foods. There are foods which are aphrodisiac and also rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Include these foods in diet to gain optimum nutrition. Nutritious foods are best ways how to treat erectile dysfunction. Form your diet by including gluten-free wholegrain, green veggies, citrus fruits, seeds and nuts. Also consume healthy spices like garlic, ginger, saffron and onion in diet.
- Avoid stress. If you get physically exhausted during the day take some rest to regain energy. Avoid activities that cause stress like too much caffeine intake, staying awake till late etc. Chronic fatigue disturbs hormonal balance and aggravates weaknesses to cause problems like ED. Stress-free life is key to fast erectile dysfunction treatment and also for other disorders.
- Use herbs. These are foods with medicinal properties. There are many varieties which are available easily and can be used for overcoming debilities. Safed musli, Ashwagandha, Kaunch beej etc. are few herbs that are used as folk remedies to cure debilities in male body. These are safe and effective ways how to treat erectile dysfunction.
Along with these steps there are herbal supplements that resolve the problem of ED fast and holistically. For fastest way how to treat erectile dysfunction use of herbal supplements is most reliable. Bluze capsules and Mast Mood oil are two prolific herbal supplements that come with excellent herbal composition to deliver fast results.
These supplements cure ED from inside and outside. Pills reenergize reproductive system, nerves and elevate level of youth hormones. These also regulate blood flow, expel toxins and harmful hormones and delay process of ageing to maintain male’s potency longer.
Oil treats damaged nerves and tissues. Dilates blood vessels, diffuse inflammation and enhance sensation. It promotes strong erections and generates tissues to cure problems like curved and small erections. Use of these supplements promote harder and bigger erections and maintain male’s endurance in bed higher. These supplements improve fertility and allow male to make intense love in multiple sessions. These are harmless supplements ad suitable for prolonged use.
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