Does Masturbation Cause Erectile Dysfunction Or The Loss Of Hardness In A Penis?

Masturbation amongst males is common practice to find solace from burning desire for sex.

Even though it is common practice but it is unnatural.

Male body and reproductive system is not designed to take the stress that masturbation can cause sometimes.

In case of males practicing hand-practice far too frequently, the strain crosses tolerance limit of body and male organ which leads to abnormal symptoms.

The weaknesses and injuries inflicted by the excessive strain caused by frequent hand-practice can raise signs of erectile dysfunction or loss of hardness in male organ.


What Is Harmful Frequency Of Hand-Practice?

It is the commonest question asked by young males.

There is no general number that can determine harmful and healthy frequency.

It depends on male’s health and fitness and also age.

In some cases males hand-practicing few times in a week do not see any signs of weakness while in some cases males hand-practicing once in a week face severe symptoms.

The only rule that applies to masturbation is that one should employ it only when it is very necessary.

Does Masturbation Lower Testosterone Levels?


Occasional hand-practice actually pumps-up adrenalin and testosterone secretion but only as long as it is practiced within healthy limits.

Once a male crosses the limit for a substantial duration hand-practice can lower testosterone secretion.

Excessive hand-practice casts following ill-effects.

Let us have a look.


- It strains liver pushing it to produce more zinc.

- It also strains testicles to produce sperms regularly, which eventually lowers testosterone release as testes produce testosterone.

- Regular loss of sperms causes deficiencies which affect energy production and causes stress.

- Due to stress and deficiencies level of harmful hormones like cortisol and prolactin rises in blood that damage testosterone and further aggravates its scarcity.

By looking over side effects of frequent hand-practice it is pretty clear that once a male crosses the limit this habit can lower testosterone secretion.

Males in habit of frequent hand-practice face certain side effects most of these are due to low testosterone level.

Here are few commonly seen side effects of frequent hand-practice caused by low testosterone level.


- Poor muscular endurance and loss of muscle mass.

- Obesity and deposition of fat around waist.

- Weak bones and lethargic joints.

- Frequent muscle and joint pain.

- Signs of depression.

- Hair loss

- Low libido

- Signs of impotency.

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Does Masturbation Affect Height Growth?


In young males around their puberty excessive or frequent hand-practice can affect height growth.

The reasons to believe this are many.

Hand-practice is renowned for causing weak liver and low testosterone level.

These two conditions can be severe over one’s physical and even mental growth and for causing exhaustion in reproductive system.

Due to poor liver function various hormones do not get produced and blood contains impurities.

These impurities slowdown tissue generation and even damage healthy tissues causing slow growth of bones and muscles.

Poor sugar metabolism, slow protein assimilation and fat metabolism are other side effects of poor liver functions that can directly affect one’s physical growth.

Low testosterone level also contributes in slowing down fat metabolism and utilization of few vital hormones.

It also brings weakness and brittleness in bones and makes joints lethargic.

Testosterone hormone is what makes boy a man. If this is low at young age physical growth surely gets affected.

How to Overcome Side Effects of Frequent Hand-Practice?


No Fall and Maha Rasayan capsules along with topical application of King Cobra oil provide fast, holistic and highly effective treatment for side effects of hand-practice.

These supplements reverse the debilities inflicted by the habit over digestive organs and others and also repair damage caused to male organ and other reproductive organs.

In a short span males gain ability to achieve powerful and bigger erections, higher drive for lovemaking and much better quality and quantity of semen.

These supplements provide higher muscle mass and energy and boost-up male’s stamina.

Use of these supplements even eliminates psychological problems triggered by excessive masturbation.

These are purely herbal supplements hence have no side effects.

These provide long-lasting results even help a male in quitting habit of hand-practice by making him much capable lover in bed.

Along with treatment of side effects of hand-practice these supplements improve male’s ability to last longer in bed and bring measurable increase in his erection size.

These are most reliable ways to gain extra-ordinary lovemaking abilities and make woman ecstatic in bed each time.


Large percentage of males faces side effects of frequent masturbation and leads a dull life.

Taking support of herbs is smartest way to regain passion and romance back in one’s love-life and improve overall quality of life.

Herbal supplements do not cause any adverse effects on health.

Males facing weakness or slowness in reproductive system due to any reason can use these to gain amazing lovemaking abilities and sound health.

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