How Do I Improve Sperm Quantity and Quality with 10 Easy Tips?
Male infertility contributes to nearly 50% cases of childless couples.
Males are reluctant to disclose their sexual problem which is also major contributing factor that has made this problem so common.
Poor fertility or infertility is a condition that mostly goes undetected when a male tries to impregnate a woman.
Male infertility can be due to low sperm count or oligospermia or due to absence of sperm or azoospermia.
Males are reluctant to disclose their sexual problem which is also major contributing factor that has made this problem so common.
Poor fertility or infertility is a condition that mostly goes undetected when a male tries to impregnate a woman.
Male infertility can be due to low sperm count or oligospermia or due to absence of sperm or azoospermia.

There is another condition which can interfere with male’s fertility which is low sperm motility in this condition male discharges sperms that are less motile or unable to swim forward quickly.
Here we are going to discuss 10 easy tips to cure oligospermia and low sperm motility and achieve fatherhood easily.
How Do I Improve Sperm Quantity And Motility?

In modern treatment there are methods that clearly identify the problem but fail to provide any way to reverse it.
In traditional methods there are ways which have been used since ancient times to cure oligospermia, azoospermia and low sperm motility.
These methods show improvement and possibility of a reliable treatment.
Here are most trusted natural ways that are recommended to increase male fertility.
- Improve lifestyle. Unhealthy lifestyle is major contributing factor in promoting male infertility. Quit smoking as side effects of smoking severely affect sperm production and even cause abnormalities in sperms. Limit alcohol and completely stop use of recreational drugs to improve sperm quality. Sleep for sufficient duration and maintain proper sleeping schedule.
- If you are under medication identify if any drug or medicine is not causing the problem. There are many anti-depressants, corticosteroids, anti-psychotic, anti-inflammatory and anabolic steroids that can cause oligospermia and even azoospermia in males.
- If you want to know how do I improve sperm quantity, load-up your system with carrot, tomatoes and sweet potato. These are foods that are rich in nutrition, healthy carbs and vitamins and directly affect sperm count and motility.
- Focus on eating yellow and orange colored fruits more. These are generally rich in beta-carotene that turns into vitamin A during digestion. Vitamin A is one of the most potent antioxidants and its healthy consumption improves reproductive system functions.
- Target to eat more veggies and wholegrain. Green veggies and gluten-free wholegrain are great foods to overcome oligospermia and improve sperm quality. These also have positive effect on sperm motility and protect sperm from abnormalities.
- Focus on eating at least one serving of nuts and seeds each. Nuts like almonds, walnuts, pistachios are good for improving sperm quality and pumpkin, sesame and sunflower seeds are loaded with zinc excellent for increase sperm count.
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- Cut-down processed foods to consume less saturated fat. Males high on cholesterol are generally low on fertility. Consumption of saturated fats in lesser quantity improves sperm quality and helps in controlling obesity.
- Avoid too much soy food. Soy food is rich in phytoestrogen that elevate level of estrogen. Male body having higher estrogen suffers with hormonal imbalance that affects reproductive system functions and lower sperm count.
- Protect your system from environmental toxins and chemicals. Use of plastic in kitchen or for carrying food items exposes body to harmful toxins. Environment containing radiations also has negative impact over sperm health and production.
- Get good dose of vitamin D and calcium. Generally these are related to bone health but calcium and vitamin D are crucial for sperm health too. Stay in sun for sometime during the day to allow body to produce vitamin D. Consume low-fat dairy products for calcium and other nutrients.
Use herbs

These are natural remedies for all types of health problems.
If you want to know how do I improve sperm quantity in lesser time, use of herbs is the answer.
Spermac capsules and Vital M-40 capsules in combination deliver benefits of multiple herbs with each dose.
These supplements take care of nutrition, hormonal balance and reproductive system functions to cure oligospermia and azoospermia naturally.
With use of these supplements in short duration, male gains better semen quality and quantity and ability to impregnate a woman quickly.
Along with treatment of low sperm count and motility these are highly beneficial supplements for curing poor stamina, low energy and psychological problems too.
These improve male’s vitality and virility along with fertility naturally.
Due to herbal nature male of any age can use these supplements.
The positive impact of these eliminates ill-effects of various factors like medication, smoking, alcoholism etc. to improve sperm count and motility.
Male infertility is common problem and environmental, lifestyle and dietary factors are major contributors in making it common.
Herbs provide holistic and most reliable treatment in combination with dietary and lifestyle changes.
Spermac and Vital M-40 capsules come with best combination of herbs to address oligospermia in males of all ages.
These are versatile in their benefits and capable of providing fast and long-lasting results.
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