10 Shocking Signs of Impotent Boyfriend

10 Shocking Signs That Show Your Boyfriend Is Impotent

At What Age Does A Man Become Impotent?

Well, there is no age and physically and mentally fit men stay potent and virile till later age.

So, how to identify if your partner or boyfriend is impotent?

Are there any particular signs that reflect in an impotent man's behavior which may indicate the actual reason behind the awkward nature of your boyfriend?

Yes, there are signs which may suggest that man is impotent and needs proper treatment to cure ED.

Here is a list of 10 shocking signs that show your boyfriend is impotent. 

First of all, you should know what can cause a man not to erect?

There are physical and psychological causes that can prevent a male from achieving hardness in bed.

The problem of ED or impotence is very much treatable and one can even treat erectile dysfunction at home.

But the major concern is that males are generally reluctant to accept the problem and try to hide or cover it with excuses.

Girlfriend or wife trying to pin-point the problem may touch the male’s pride and ego which can mess a relationship.

So if you come across any of the 10 shocking signs that show your boyfriend is impotent you need to talk to him without hurting his ego and urge him to take proper treatment to cure ED.
  • Low sexual desire is a sign and also what can cause a man not to erect. Low sexual drive is generally due to poor physical health or low testosterone level. Low testosterone is a cause of impotency with many other implications over male’s health and virility. So if your boyfriend is not very keen to make love, avoids appropriate opportunities for sex and makes excuses chances are he is impotent. 
  • When a male gets excited there are few physical pieces of evidence of his excitement. Male genitals respond to excitement quickly if everything is normal in a male’s body. So when you are physically close to your man and involved in arousing activities like caressing, kissing hugging, etc. try to feel his manhood by pressing your body against it gently. If you feel nothing and there is no response when your body presses it gently it is a sign of impotency. 
  • Is he too much interested in porn? Males enjoying too much porn are generally involved with masturbation, some far too much and some not so much. The ones involved with hand-practice far too much face signs of ED and less drive for actual action. Too much porn is a sign of impotent man behavior. 
  • Does he performs foreplay or just rush to penetrate? His eagerness to get inside you may not be love or fondness for your body always. The rush to penetrate can be because he is unable to control his excitement and fear of discharging quite early. If he actually discharges early it is one of the 10 shocking signs that show your boyfriend is impotent. 
  • Do you feel him trembling in compromising positions? It is not that couples perform sex whenever they get into a comfortable position. But if you see his hands shaking or other signs of weakness these suggest the presence of impotency in your man. 
  • Does he lose his erection easily? Minor distractions, conversation or any other activity before sex makes him lose his hardness and his member becomes flaccid is a sign of impotency. Males do lose some hardness but not entirely, so complete flaccidity just because of moments of distraction, are not the signs that speak well about his potency. 
  • The habit of smoking is a common cause of ED or impotence in males. So reluctance to make love or other signs like trembling and shaking along with the habit of smoking gives you a clear indication that man is low on potency and maybe even in bad health. 
  • Does he usually choose a place to meet which is in public views, like coffee shops or places of tourist interest, etc.? This is an indication that he wants to avoid privacy to hide his weakness.
  • Working till late in the office more often than not is also one of the 10 shocking signs that show your boyfriend is impotent. He may avoid coming home early and make the obvious excuses of being tired these are 10 shocking signs that show your boyfriend is impotent
  • Check the volume of his ejaculate. Is he ejaculating too less or is his semen too thin? If that is the case it is a sign of impotence. No one can tell at what age does a man becomes impotent but after the age of 35 years, males generally see a reduction in their ejaculate volume. If your boyfriend at an early age is ejaculating less it means physical problems are troubling him that are also making him less potent. 

Best Cure for ED

Your boyfriend can treat erectile dysfunction at home by using Maha Rasayan capsules.

These are herbal supplements that naturally eliminate physical causes and reverse psychological causes of ED to provide safe and fast treatment.

These are fast-acting supplements that within short duration improve vitality, potency, and vigor of a male and make him capable and keener lover in bed.

These provide long-lasting results by correcting the natural mechanism of the body and also handle the side effects of bad habits like smoking and others efficiently.

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