Does Over-Masturbation Cause Erectile Dysfunction

5 Important FAQs about Erectile Dysfunction Problem in Males

Does Over-Masturbation Cause Erectile Dysfunction?

Masturbation is a common way by which males gain solace and release building pressure for mating.

Young males around the age of puberty employ this method to release growing excitement triggered by hormonal secretion.

Hand-practice is very convenient.

All male needs are moments of privacy and he is able to gain pleasure almost like lovemaking.

Due to convenience, a large percentage of males become habitual of this practice.

Regular hand-practice even for a short period can be severely debilitating and causes serious weaknesses.

These debilities are due to various reasons.

To know that does over-masturbation cause erectile dysfunction let us check the kind of ill-effects regular hand-practice inflicts over the male genital system.

Regular hand-practice makes male organs weak and insensitive by damaging nerves and tissues.

This practice also reduces the flow of blood in the genital region to aggravate debilities.

Regular hand-practice causes congestion around the prostate gland and lowers testosterone hormone secretion.

All these side effects clearly suggest that over-masturbation is directly linked to impotency.

So answer to the question that does over-masturbation cause erectile dysfunction is, yes it does, and even deteriorates male’s vitality and promotes psychological problems.

Does Depression Cause Erectile Dysfunction?

Two facts about depression can clearly explain that does depression cause erectile dysfunction.

Depression is a psychological disorder that projects a poor self-image of an individual.

In the case of males, depression makes them feel unwanted and unlikeable types which any woman would not love to be with.

In short, depressed males do not look at themselves as lovable and live with very low self-esteem.

Such a mindset cannot make a male feel enthusiastic about lovemaking.

They will avoid making the first move and at any point, their excitement can diffuse quickly.

So males suffering from depression can suffer from erectile dysfunction too without any surprise.

Another fact about depression that explains does depression cause erectile dysfunction lies in its cause.

Low testosterone hormone is one of the causes of depression.

Males running high on youth hormones stay mentally sharp and alert and also have higher self-confidence.

Low testosterone hormone is also a major cause of erectile dysfunction.

By understanding these two facts only, one can easily deduce the answer to the question that does depression cause erectile dysfunction or not.

Fortunately, the treatment of ED in most cases reduces the intensity of depression too and lifts male’s self-confidence and self-esteem.

Does Bicycling Cause Erectile Dysfunction and Impotence in Men

The groin region of males is delicate and contains many nerves, thin blood pathways, and tissues.

When a person rides a bicycle entire weight of the body rests over the groin region and inner part of buttocks.

Excess pressure over this region can constrict blood pathways and reduce the flow of blood towards the genital region.

Lesser blood can starve cells and tissues for nutrition and oxygen and cause rapid cell death.

Regular cycling for longer duration or distance makes tissues of the region weak and stops blood flow in many blood pathways by damaging them seriously.

Another risk associated with cycling is injuries that may occur in the groin region due to bumps and friction.

Cyclist bears bumps while riding a bike which may not feel as painful but regular bumps can gradually cause serious damage to delicate organs of the region higher scrotal temperature is a major side effect of cycling.

Long-distance riding makes groin region overheated.

Tight under-wears and protective guards which cyclists wear while riding further increase the heat.

All these risks and side effects can make male organs weak by restricting the flow of blood towards manhood and lower sperm production by affecting testicular functions.

So, does bicycle cause erectile dysfunction and impotence in men answer would be yes, it does increase the chances of ED and impotence?

Does Pornography Cause Erectile Dysfunction?

Pornography causes excitement.

Medically arousals without ejaculation are regarded as hazardous for male potency and fertility.

Arousals trigger the release of seminal fluids produced mainly by the prostate gland.

The problem with the prostate gland is that it does not have any place to store fluids.

Once it has released the fluids, in absence of ejaculation these stay around the gland and cause congestion.

The congested prostate gland is prone to suffer from infections and also promotes dribbling of semen and semen with urine problem which hurts the urinary canal and makes male organs weak.

Does pornography cause erectile dysfunction?

It certainly causes debilities in males enjoying it too much and for a long period.

But does pornography cause erectile dysfunction even if male enjoys it occasionally?

No, it may not, not in every male, but weak males already facing signs of ED or suffering from other sexual dysfunction even occasional interactions may prove to be harmful.

Does Diabetes Cause Erectile Dysfunction?

Diabetes is severe on nerves. Weak or damaged nerves can cause ED.

So, does diabetes cause erectile dysfunction, yes if it is not handled properly?

Diabetes also lowers physical energy which causes stress and aggravates sexual weaknesses.

Other side effects of uncontrolled diabetes also deteriorate male reproductive system functions and promote sexual dysfunctions.

There are no two thoughts that do diabetes cause erectile dysfunction or not, it is very necessary to control this disorder to protect the health and potency of a male.

How to Get Hard On Fast Naturally

Booster capsules and Mast Mood oil are fast, safe and convenient ways to treat ED.

These supplements work for the male of all ages and provide fast results.

Male can start enjoying his love-life from day one by using these supplements in combination and his potency, physical energy and vigor keep on improving with every use.

The benefits of these supplements are varied and take care of the entire health of a male.

Due to herbal nature, there is no risk of any adverse effect on health and male can use these without any medical prescription.

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