Natural Cure for Regular Nightfall

Natural Cure for Regular Nightfall Problem in 26 Year Old Boy

The problem of wet dreams can affect a 16-year-old boy as well as a 26-year-old boy or man.

This problem can surge even after 30 years of age. Actually, this is not a problem if it is happening occasionally.

The nocturnal emissions are the body’s natural reaction to relieve building pressure for mating and also to replenish old and stale semen with a fresh one.

This becomes a problem when the frequency rises and a male starts facing side effects like weakness, irritability, stress and low libido.

Regular nightfall problem keeps on progressing if not handled with proper measures.

How to Stop Ejaculation During Sleep?

There are safe and natural ways that can safely and in a short time reduce the frequency of nocturnal emissions and protect health and virility.

These natural measures also reverse side effects and bring back health and vigour.

Lifestyle Improvement

  • Lifestyle changes work as effective remedies to control regular nightfall problem. Improve sleeping pattern by going to bed at a fixed time. This helps in improving sleep quality which minimizes chances of nocturnal emissions. 
  • Take a cold water shower before bedtime. Coldwater bath promotes even distribution of energy all over the body. Energy circulation promotes relaxation and allows you to fall asleep quickly. Sound and deep sleep handles stress and gives you the ability to control wet dreams
  • Avoid unnecessary sexual stimulations. If you enjoy porn material or get involved in erotic conversations etc. you are preparing to get a nocturnal emission. These activities stimulate nerves and make them hyperactive. Over-active nerves promote sensation and excitement and lead to discharge during sleep.

Dietary Changes 

  • Foods are the best medicines. These nourish and improve functions of bodily organs and system to cure health problems. Seeds can be of immense help and provide a natural cure for regular nightfall. Fenugreek seed powder with honey three times a day is a good way to stop ejaculation during sleep. You can also try a concoction of lettuce seeds and water. Add one tablespoon of lettuce seeds to a litre of water and boil the mixture till it gets reduced to less than half of its volume. Drink it when hot once in a day. These are reliable natural remedies to get rid of regular nightfall problem. 
  • Bottle gourd juice provides a couple of remedies to reduce the frequency of nocturnal emissions. Drink 1-2 glasses of bottle gourd juice in a day. Extract some bottle gourd juice and add with an equal amount of sesame oil. Massage scalp with this mixture regularly before bedtime. This also helps in reducing the frequency of wet dreams
  • Pomegranate seeds also work as effective remedies. Peel one pomegranate and keep its seeds to dry in sun for 2-3 days. Grind to form a powder and consume one teaspoon of this powder with honey twice a day. 
  • Eat all types of red fruits these are high in antioxidants and help in controlling the problem of wet dreams and reverse its side effects. 
  • Use raw garlic in a regular diet it improves blood flow towards the genital region and stops problems like wet dreams. Onion too is good food for males suffering from frequent nocturnal emissions. 


  • Herbs are the most powerful and safe remedies for resolving any health problem, improving strength and fitness, and sharpening brain functions. There are many herbs which provide a reliable and long-lasting natural cure for regular nightfall. Ashwagandha, Safed Musli, Shilajit, Kesar etc. are good herbs for alleviating regular nocturnal emissions and its side effects. 

Herbal Supplements

Herbal supplements are the most convenient and trusted ways to resolve the problem of regular nocturnal emission in a 26-year-old boy.

NF Cure and Vital M-40 capsules in combination provide the best natural treatment which reverses side effects and bless a male with upbeat vitality and virility.

These supplements come with a combination of nutritive, hormone balancing and nerve tonic herbs that stop nocturnal emissions quickly.

These also improve energy, stamina and strength and rejuvenate exhausted reproductive system to boost-up libido and potency of a male.

In short duration of use, males not only gain riddance from nocturnal emissions but also a healthier and stronger body, relaxed mind and strong reproductive system.

The powerful herbs present in these pills provide long-lasting relief.

These improve the body’s natural mechanism to suppress involuntary discharge of semen in all forms to make his virility and potency last much longer in life.

Due to herbal nature male of age can use these without any medical prescription.

NF Cure and Vital M-40 capsules are correct hormonal imbalance and promote the release of healthy hormones.

Proper hormonal secretion is wonderful for upbeat health and virility and improves mental sharpness and alertness as well.

The multiple benefits and ability to cure wet dreams holistically make these supplements best choice for males.

Nocturnal emission is natural phenomena so the occasional occurrence of these should not worry you much, but once you see signs of weakness there shall not be any delays in taking the treatment.

Herbal supplements provide a complete cure and reverse side effects without any botheration and are safe.

Choose these best treatments to gain much-improved vitality, virility and vigour and lead a healthier and happier life.

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