What Is A Wet Dream In Males?

Natural Remedies to Cure Side Effects of Nightfall in Boys

What Is A Wet Dream?

A wet dream is medically called as nocturnal emission.

These are marked by involuntary discharge during sleep which may occur due to an erotic dream.

At a young age around puberty, this is reckoned as a sign of good health.

In adult age as well occasional nocturnal emission is regarded as a sign of good health and active reproductive system.

The frequency of nocturnal emission is what which makes it a sign of health or weakness.

If the occurrence of nocturnal emissions is too high and brings debilities then these are classified as a problem.

Proper treatment becomes necessary to reduce the frequency or stop wet dreams and cure the side effects of nightfall.

How Does It Affect Health And Sexual Abilities Of A Male?

Frequent nocturnal emissions cause loss of semen frequently.

Semen is regarded as male’s elixir and its regular loss pushes the body to replenish it quickly and regularly which increases internal stress.

This stress can become intolerable and lead to weak organs and malfunction of systems.

Another major concern related to frequent nocturnal emission is sleep deprivation and low self-esteem.

Nocturnal emission wakes a male in the middle of the night and requires cleaning, washing and changing.

This wipes-off sleep and causes fatigue and tiredness. For many males, nocturnal emissions are a source of frustration.

Males feel sick and run low on confidence as they are losing semen without their wish.

These factors make wet dreams a problem that should be dealt with immediately and not ignored.

Natural Remedies to Cure Side Effects of Nightfall 

Herbs, foods and lifestyle-related changes form a set of natural remedies to cure side effects of nightfall.

Here is a list of remedies that work as reliable wet dream solution and treat side effects of nightfall.

  • Exercise regularly and stay physically active during the day. Aerobics, resistance exercises, weight etc. are good ways to pump-up testosterone secretion and overcome weaknesses in the reproductive system. Avoid long sitting hours and lethargic daily routine. Such daily routine reduces the flow of blood in the pelvic region and brings weakness in nerves which reduce control over-discharge. 
  • Eat fruits like pomegranate, bananas on a regular basis. All types of red fruits are a good diet to stop ejaculation during sleep. These fruits soothe the digestive system and improve energy production to relieve the problem of wet dreams. 
  • Increase intake of almonds, walnuts, garlic, onion and curd. These foods are specifically very beneficial for the treatment of frequent wet dreams and also reverse side effects. 
  • Drink a cup of sage tea with honey to gain sound sleep. Quality sleep minimizes chances of wet dreams and also reverses stress to overcome side effects of nocturnal emissions. 
  • 2-3 cups of liquorice tea in the day stop nocturnal emissions and promote recovery from ill-effects of the problem. 
  • Consume one teaspoon of fenugreek seed powder with a teaspoon of honey three times a day. This is a reliable remedy to cure nocturnal emissions and side effects of the problem. 
  • Boil a tablespoon of lettuce seeds in a litre of water till it gets reduced to 1/3rd of its volume. Strain and drink the water an hour before bedtime when it is warm. This is an old traditional remedy to cure nocturnal emissions naturally. 
  • Take a cold water bath before bedtime. This squeezes extra heat and regulates even energy circulation all over the body. A cold shower helps in minimizing the chances of nocturnal emissions. 
  • Empty your bladder before bedtime and avoid porn interaction and unnecessary stimulations during the day. These practices help immensely in controlling the frequency of nocturnal emissions. 

Use Herbs for Most Effective Treatment

Herbs are the best ways to stop night discharge and cure the side effects of nightfall. 

The most convenient way of using herbs is the use of herbal supplements.

These come with the highest quality herbs in perfect combination and provide the most effective treatment.

No Fall capsules are popularly used herbal supplements which are free of side effects and provide holistic cure from the problem.

These come loaded with herbs that stop nocturnal emissions and eliminate its side effects over the physical, mental and sexual health of a male.

Regular use of these pills, in fact, blesses a male with extra-ordinary vitality, virility and vigour and improves the overall quality of life.

These pills cure deficiencies, correct prostate problems, improve hormonal secretion and sharpen brain functions by purely natural effects and without causing any dependency.

Male after using these supplements can continue enjoying newfound health and virility till later age by taking simple precautions.

These are suitable for male of any age and go well with other medicines and treatment.

Even though nocturnal emissions are natural phenomena yet these cannot be allowed to occur frequently.

If these occur too frequently there are consequences which can be dire in many cases.

Herbal supplements are safe and effective and can be used at home without any medical prescription.

Use of these supplements is the best method to get rid of nocturnal emissions and gain much better health and virility by reversing its side effects completely.

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