Symptoms of Sperm Leakage While Peeing

Sperms are produced by the male reproductive system on a regular basis after puberty throughout life.

The production process involves the use of many vital nutrients and complex processes, in short, these are valuable as these are capable of bringing a new life in the world.

Many males suffer from disorders that allow sperms to flow out unnecessarily.

Unnecessary loss of sperms strains male’s health and also reproductive system.

Regular sperm leakage harms male’s fertility and prevents a male from extending progeny.


Causes Of Sperm Leakage

There are quite a few causes which commonly promote this problem in males.

We will discuss these causes in the following list.

- Retrograde ejaculation is a condition in which male discharges in the urethra in place from the tip of the male organ. This occurs due to constriction in the urinary canal generally caused by the enlarged or swollen prostate gland. The semen that gets trapped in the urethra and is not discharged later passes out with urine.

- Weakness in nerves due to health issues or due to abusive sexual behavior. Nerves are responsible for keeping sperms locked in a testicular bag and allow it to pass through sperm canals and get deposited in urethra when the male prepares to ejaculate. Weak nerves allow sperms to flow out easily on slight excitement which causes sperm leakage.

- Blockages in the sperm canal prevent the complete discharge of sperms. The blocked sperms float into urethra when pressure is applied during urination or bowel movement or when male sits. Blocked sperm canals are also causes of frequent loss of sperms.

- Frequent nocturnal emission is also one of the common causes of regular sperm loss. Males having weakness and unable to control nocturnal emissions lose vital sperms on a frequent basis.

Apart from these, there can be many other causes of frequent loss of sperms.

To control this problem males need proper treatment that can address multiple causes of the problem simultaneously.

The natural method has been found most effective in resolving the problem of involuntary loss of sperms holistically.

The natural method involves dietary and lifestyle changes and the use of powerful herbs to treat the problem by addressing its root causes.

Symptoms Of Sperm Leakage

There are clear symptoms of this problem that ring a bell for the male to take treatment without delays.

  • Presence of white discharge after urination.
  • Pain or burning during urination.
  • Thinning of urine stream or incomplete evacuation.
  • Pain during lovemaking.
  • Reducing the volume of semen.
  • Frequent nocturnal emissions.
  • Discharge during a bowel movement.
  • Excessive precum
  • Dribbling of semen while sitting or on slight excitement.

On arrival of one or a few of these signs male should go for natural treatment without delays and bring the problem under control.

The side effects of this problem are severe and alter a male’s personality.

Natural Treatment For Sperm Leakage During Urination

The natural treatment for involuntary loss of sperms involves few dietary and lifestyle changes and the use of herbs.

Here is a list of few changes that a male should bring in his daily life to overcome the problem.


  • Eat all types of red fruits regularly. These are rich in beta carotene that gets converted into vitamin A. These fruits are aphrodisiac too and improve the performance of the male reproductive system.
  • Focus on eating healthy foods like garlic, ginger, cooked tomatoes, pumpkin seeds, almonds, walnuts, green veggies, and wholegrain to energize the entire body and increase energy support to the reproductive system.
  • Improve lifestyle by staying active and maintaining the regular exercising regimen. Exercises and physical activity enhance the flow of blood in the reproductive system that energizes organs and nerves to overcome debilities and disorders naturally.
  • Quit hand-practice, smoking, and use of OTC medicines like sleeping pills.
  • Limit alcohol and curtail salt and sugar intake.
  • Avoid processed or junk food to keep digestion healthy.
  • Maintain healthy water intake and avoid too much tea, coffee, and cut-out beverages.
  • Drink herbal teas, green tea and other teas like licorice, sage, stinging nettle, ginger, etc. are good drinks to control problems.

Herbal Supplements

Use of herbs is a crucial part of natural treatment for involuntary loss of sperms.

Use of herbal supplements is the best way to gain benefits of multiple herbs in the safest and most convenient way.

NF Cure and Shilajit capsules are the most prolific supplements that in combination stop all sorts of involuntary loss of semen, reverse side effects of the problem, and bless a male with unbeatable vitality, virility, and vigor.

These supplements are safe and do not cause any side effects.

Males gain higher physical energy, stamina and strength, and clear and sharp mind by using these pills.

The herbal ingredients of these pills boost-up the male’s libido, potency and ability to make intense love for a longer duration.

The results of these supplements last longer if a male takes proper precautions and leads a healthy lifestyle.

Loss of sperms without any reason is a highly debilitating and serious sign of weakness.

Herbal supplements in the presence of a healthy diet and lifestyle not only resolve the problem but also improve a male’s overall health and virility in a short time naturally.

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