How a Man Can Make Sex Satisfying, Long Lasting and Pleasurable?

What is a Quick Discharge? 

The inability to control one’s discharge in bed is classified as early discharge or premature ejaculation.

Many males suffer from severe signs of premature ejaculation.

Such males suffer from repeated embarrassment and lose their confidence.

This problem can make relationships terse and even take a male into depression.


Most of the males suffer from ever progressing signs of PE due to their negligence and reluctance to discuss it with another person, even doctor.

In almost every case this problem is treatable and completely curable.

We will discuss natural, safe and highly effective ways to overcome PE and make lovemaking longer and pleasurable.

Bonus Tip:

Herbs are curative and protective and most importantly these are natural and resolve any problem by addressing its root causes.

These are the most reliable remedies for early discharge too.

Using herbs requires knowledge and wisdom.

Working out the best combination of herbs and their dosage is not possible for a common man.

To use herbs using herbal supplements is most convenient and simple.

Masti capsules and King Cobra oil are best last longer pills and oil.

Use of these resolve problems of PE and provide a male ability to discharge when he wishes to.

These pills and oil also resolve the problem of ED and low libido and impart a male strong drive for lovemaking and the ability to achieve optimum hardness on slight persuasion.

The use of these herbal supplements works for the male of any age and address the entire range of causes naturally.

The application of King Cobra oil makes the male’s organ strong and responsive.

This oil gives a measurable increase in the size of the erection and the ability to achieve back to back erections.

The application of this oil brings positive changes from day one.

Males can perform from day one by applying this oil and gain better and better results with every application.

This oil brings love-life on track immediately and in a short time makes it exciting and sensational.

The problem of PE is not to be covered or kept hidden.

Communicate with a partner and take the right steps to resolve it as early as possible.

What would you do to make lovemaking more passionate and romantic, please comment?

Herbal supplements provide the most reliable and effective way to get rid of this problem and other issues safely.

Causes Of Early Discharge


Males are naturally aggressive in their lovemaking encounters and behavior.

This aggression many times takes control of man’s mind and pushes him to discharge too early.

There is a variety of causes varying from behavioral to psychological.

Here is a list of few top causes of the problem of early discharge that affect the majority of males.

- Too many erotic fantasies and thoughts are quite common causes of early discharge. Young and even adult males get involved too much with porn material or erotic conversations that gradually build excitement. By the time they reach bed their excitement is already over the rood and causes early discharge.

- Watery or thinning of semen can occur due to excessive hand-practice, regular wet dreams, and hormonal problems. Males suffering from this problem suffer from excessive precum that wipes-off their erection and stops lovemaking even before starting.

- Weakness in nerves caused by excessive smoking or due to health problems like diabetes allows semen to flow out without any control.

- Intense excitement is uncontrollable generally occurring due to hormonal fluctuations.

- Delayed erection problem also causes early discharge by building-up excitement.

- Low energy and poor stamina make the reproductive system weak and lethargic and bring frequent episodes of early discharge.

- Low testosterone level is also responsible for causing early discharge as this hormone is vital for the regular flow of energy towards the male’s genital region.

Apart from these, there can be various other causes that can indirectly affect a male’s duration in bed and push him to discharge early.

Psychological problems and relationship issues are also classified as strong causes of early discharge.

Best Treatment for PE

A combination of a healthy diet and lifestyle and the use of herbs allow a male to make sex longer-lasting and pleasurable.

These foods are nutritious and possess properties that boost-up the male’s endurance in bed and allow him to control his discharge in bed.

Here are a few tips that can help in improving the condition of a male and resolve the problem of PE.

- Eat foods that are aphrodisiac in nature. Watermelon, pomegranate, eggs, fish, almonds, saffron, garlic, oats, dark chocolate, avocado, green tea, etc. are few types of foods that can be included in regular diet to gain higher endurance and last longer in bed.

- Improve physical activity and exercise regularly. Kegel exercises along with normal exercises can bring wonderful results in a short time. Yoga and meditation are also very helpful in alleviating the problem of early discharge. Try these to recover fast and make sex longer-lasting and pleasurable.

- Cut-out moments of unnecessary excitement. Get engaged with something creative and interesting and stay away from porn and similar material.
