5 Yoga Poses for Early Discharge that Makes You Last Longer in Bed

 Causes of Early Discharge

Causes of premature ejaculation include weak nerves and tissues in the male organ, excessive interest for copulation after chatting with a beautiful female or after watching a porn movie.

It is also common in men, who are away from their females for a few weeks.


 Best Yoga Poses to Delay Discharge

Some of the best yoga poses for early discharge treatment are

5) Cow Head Pose

It helps to resolve hernias and hydrocele (fluid build-up in the testis).

It also helps a man control his discharge more effectively.

It also helps strengthen the liver, kidneys and respiratory system.

4) Raised Legs Pose


Mainly meant to strengthen the working of your intestines, an organ which according to Ayurvedic principles is the key to maintaining a healthy body, this asana has multiple benefits.

It also helps beat constipation, digestion problems and boosts one’s metabolism.

Due to all the positive effects, it has on the digestive system.

This asana is also believed to help a man control his rate of discharge, helping him beat premature ejaculation.

3) Shoulder Stand Pose

It improves the working of the thyroid glands that regulate the working of almost all bodily functions, right from increasing metabolism to keeping you energetic throughout the day.

The most promising effect of this asana is that it helps strengthen the adrenal glands, working of the testis and therefore helps in increasing the potency of sperm and semen.

2) Cobra Pose

An asana that is great to heal back pain and cervical pain, it is also very effective in increasing one’s ability to last longer in bed and resolve any complaints of early discharge.

1) Bow Pose

Known to help in achieving a stronger orgasm this asana is also a great way to beat premature ejaculation.

It is also very effective in resolving all stomach related problems.

Bonus Tip

Those searching for the best herbal pills that make you last longer in bed can use Vital M-40 capsules and Lawax capsule.

It is also suggested to practice yoga for early discharge treatment at home.

Many couples are unable to enjoy sexual pleasure in copulation due to early discharge.

If the male is unable to control the discharge in each lovemaking episode, the female looks for sexual pleasure elsewhere.

So, how to increase discharge time in males?

A lot of natural male stamina pills and PE control supplements are available in the market to control the discharge and last longer in bed.

You need to choose the best herbal remedies after reading the ingredients list to treat early discharge and increase sex time to give her the best orgasm.

Lawax capsules are the best herbal pills that make you last longer in bed.

It is developed using proven plant extracts to increase blood flow to the male organ.

It increases the secretion of testosterone hormones and strengthens the weak nerves and tissues in the male organ.

The strong nerves control the ejaculate and increase sex duration to provide your beautiful male with increased sexual pleasure.

Vital M-40 capsule is one of the best natural male stamina pills available in the market to boost sexual stamina, strength and energy levels.

It helps to regain lost energy levels and perform for longer in bed to provide her memorable sexual pleasure.

Therefore, those searching for herbal pills that make you last longer in bed can use Lawax and Vital M-40 capsules together daily for best results.

It is a sure fact that these herbal pills will make you a capable man, helps to get rock hard erection, penetrate deeper into her genital passage and last for longer in bed and give her best orgasm.

She will request for such memorable lovemaking episodes.

Moreover, these herbal pills that make you last longer in bed are free from synthetic chemicals and additives.

You can use these herbal pills to cure sexual disorders without any fear of side effects and enjoy intimate moments.

 Key Ingredients

Key ingredients in Lawax capsules, the best herbal pills that make you last longer in bed.

The main ingredients in this herbal pill are Semal Musli, Ashwagandha, Vidarikand, Safed Behmen, kaunch, Safed Musli, Akarkra, Siddha Makardhwaj, Shatavari and Semal Musli.

Key ingredients of Vital M-40 capsules, the best natural male stamina pills

The main ingredients in this herbal pill are Ashphaltum Punjabiunum, Zingiber Officinale, Withania Somnifera, Caryophyllus Aromaticus, Aril Myristica Fragrans, Saffron, Balsamodendron Mukul, Strychnos Nux Vomica, Ferrum, Asparagus Racemosus, and Terminalia Chebula, etc.

 Usage Instructions

How to increase discharge time in males is through intake of one Vital M-40 capsule and one Lawax capsule daily twice.

It is advised to use these herbal pills for three to four months for the best results.

You can buy Lawax and Vital M-40 capsules from reputed online stores.

Men suffering from PE can practice exercises apart from using herbal pills.

It is also suggested to practice pelvic floor exercises.
